About Trust

The Trust of the Society of St. Basil was established in 1973 by the initiative and leadership of its Founder President Late Lamented His Grace Thomas Mar Athanasios. It is a charitable Trust registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.
Late His Grace Thomas Mar Athanasios was a great visionary, educationist, community leader, and philanthropist. He started schools in the rural areas of Gujarat to give quality education to the students in the village of Gujarat. Admission is open to all irrespective of religion, caste, colour or creed. The motto of the Trust is “Upasana (Worship), Swadhyay (Self Study), Seva (Service)”. The motto of all the schools under the Trust is Gyanam (Wisdom) is Brahma, Adore it”.
Founded in 1973
At present the Trust is managing five schools in Gujarat:-
They are:-
1 . MGM School (Eng. Med.) Halol.
2 . St. Paul’s School (Eng. Med.), Koyli, Baroda.
3 . St. Paul’s School (Guj. Med.), Koyli, Baroda.
4 . St. Paul’s School (Eng. Med.), Ankleshwar.
5 . Baselios Public School – (CBSE), Baroda.
The Trust believes that “The destiny of India is being shaped in her classrooms”. Throught the schools, the Trust is trying to create intellectually sharp, emotionally balanced and morally sound citizens.
The students who studied in our various schools are working and living in different parts of the world as civilized and responsible human beings. That is the valuable and precious asset of the Trust.
“The words are lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep
(Robert Frost)”
The Trust is completing 50 years of excellence in shaping young minds through its inclusive education.
We move forward steadfastly with the invisible blessings of our Founder President to contribute our share in shaping the future of our Great nation.
Founder President of The Trust of The Society of St. Basil
Late Lamented His Grace Thomas Mar Athanasios (1938 – 2018)
LATE LAMENTED His Grace Thomas Mar Athanasios, known in Gujarat as Father K.T. Thomas, our mentor, Guru and Guide was the son of Puthencavu, Kizhakkethalackal Late K.T. Thomas and Late Aleyamma Thommas and was born on 3rd April 1938. He graduated from S.B. College Chaganassery. He took his B. Ed. from N.S.S. College Chaganassery and B.D. from Serampore college Calcutta and M.Ed. from M.S. University, Baroda. After completing his M.Ed., K.T. Thomas started thinking about establishing school in Gujarat to provide good and quality education to the studnets in rural Gujarat. A sentence given in Kothari Commission Report – “The destiny of India is being shaped in her classrooms” greatly influenced him.
He took initiative to start Basil School, Baroda and he was its Founder Principal. In 1973, the Indian Oil Corporation Limited approached him to take up the management of Gujarat Refinery English Medium School which was accepted by him. The Trust of the Society of St. Basil was Registered as a Public Trust in the same year after taking up the management of the school only he realised that secondary section had no recognition from the Education department of Gujarat. He toiled hard to get recognation and due to his tireless pursuence with the support of his team of dedicated teachers, he converted the GREM School in to one of the best reputed school in Baroda within a short span of time.
Later on he started MGM School, Halol, St. Paul’s School (English Medium and Gujarati Medium) Baroda, St. Paul’s School, Ankleshwar, and Baselios Public School, Baroda. All these reputed schools stand as the epitome of his toil, tears and sweat. The motto of his life was “Search for Excellence”.
Meanwhile in 1985 Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church elevated Fr. K.T. Thomas to a Bishop of the church. His Grace Thomas Mar Athanasios was appointed as the first Metropolitan of the Chengannur Diocese in Kerela.
His Grace implemented a lot of innovative ideas in various fields. He was an ardant lover of nature who vehemently advocated for environmental protection. He was a philanthropist too. His care for others was stupendous. Many of his students excelled in life due to his motivation and encouragement.
After contributing a lot selflessly to the society and church he passed away on 24th August’2018.
The educational institutions he started are the permanent monument of his great and valuable contributions in the field of education. April 3rd, the birthday of this great visionary is observed and celebrated as the “FOUNDER’S DAY” in all our schools.
Our Vision————————
To create intellectually sharp, emotionally balanced and morally sound citizen.
Our Mission———————-
To impart sound education at reasonable cost to the boys and girls of all communities without any discrimination and to prepare them to live and act as responsible and patriotic citizens of india.